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Recipes with Extra Fine
Filo Pastry
Traditional Galaktompoureko

INGREDIENTS: (for a 28cm diametre round pan)
1 package Extra Fine Filo pastry KANAKI 450g
For the cream:
8 glasses milk
8 tbsp. corn flour
8 tbsp. sugar
2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 eggs
1 tbsp. unsalted butter
Orange zest
For the syrup:
3 cups water
2 cups sugar
1 cinnamon stick
3 cloves
1 orange
Cream: Heat the mixture of seven glasses milk with sugar, stirring until dissolved and then pour the corn flour dissolved in the remaining milk with the vanilla. You beat the eggs and add them in the cream. Add butter and orange zest and stir. Let the cream over medium heat until thickened. Remember: You have to stir quite often if you are fan of smooth clotted creams. When it starts to boil, remove the cream away from the heat and let it cool. Prepare the Filo of the galaktomboureko as showed below and bake in preheated oven at 180°C for about 45 minutes. Once cooked, pour cold syrup.
Syrup: Place all the ingredients for the syrup inside the pot adding an orange cut in half. Then, boil for 15 minutes.
For making Galaktompoureko in a round pan:

1. Spread the Filo sheets one above the other in a round baking pan diametre 28cm. Place butter to each one of them.

2. When having laid 9-10 oiled sheets pour the cream and spread throughout the pan. Neatly roll the overhanging pieces of Filo under the rim of the tin.

3. Place 2-3 sheets buttered in the same way above the cream, and again roll the overhanging pieces of Filo under the galaktomboureko. Using a sharp knife cut galaktomboureko in radial strips.
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