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Packs of baked apples with yogurt sauce
Recipes with Puff Pastry

INGREDIENTS: (for 8 servings)
1 package Puff Pastry KANAKI 800g
4 apples
juice from 1 lemon
8 tsp. black raisins
¼ of the brandy cup
8 tsp. of grated almonds
4 tsp. of sugar soup
1 egg whipped
1 cup of strained yogurt
2 tsp. of powdered sugar
4 tsp. of mastic liqueur
Stir the raisins in the brandy for a while. Clean the apples, cut them in the middle and remove the pips. Spread them with the lemon juice so as not to tannin. Prepare the packs as directed. Turn the packs upside down and place them in a shallow baking dish. Brush the surface with the egg and sprinkle with the rest of the sugar. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C (resistors, airless) for 45 minutes.
For yogurt sauce: Stir the yogurt with the powdered sugar and mastic liqueur and serve it with the baked apples.
For making Apple-Packs:

1. Open the puff pastry sheets on the workbench. Cut each sheet into 4 pieces.

2. Put one piece of apple on each puff pastry with the cut side up. Divide raisins and grated almonds into apples and sprinkle them with 2 tablespoons of sugar.

3. Fold the edges of the dough to get stuck.
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