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Millefeuille with lemon cream
Recipes with Puff Pastry

INGREDIENTS: (for 8 servings)
1 package Puff Pastry KANAKI 800g
1 egg
½ cup sugar
For cream:
8 yolks
½ cup sugar
½ cup lemon juice
zest from 1 lemon
10 tablespoon of flour
3 cups of milk
2 cups of pastry cream
powdered sugar for serving
Prepare the cream: Heat the milk, taking care not to boil. Mix the sugar with the yolks in the mixer until they become a white fluffy mixture. Add the flour slowly and the lemon zest, continuing the mixing and finally slowly pour the warm milk. Place the mixture in the saucepan and stir continuously over moderate heat until it starts to thicken. When thickened, pour the lemon juice and stir until the cream is homogeneous. Empty it in a bowl and allow it to cool down in the refrigerator without covering it. Shortly before you serve the sweet, mix the cream until it will became a tight whipped cream and stir gently with the lemon cream. To serve, put a puff pastry sheet as a base, put up some cream, cover with one sheet and repeat once more. Pour the last sheet with a little cream, sprinkle with powdered sugar, cut into portions and serve. If you have some millefeuille left, keep it in the freezer until the next time you serve it. Allow to thaw at ambient temperature for about 1 hour. In this way, the puff pastry leaf remains crisp.
For making Millefeuille sheets:

1. Open the sheet, spread it on a baking sheet and punch it with a fork at all points.

2. Mix and stir the egg with 1 tablespoon of water and spread the surface. Sprinkle with a little sugar and bake in a preheated oven at 190°C for 30 minutes.

3. Allow to cool and cut along 3 stripes.
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