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Wreaths with nuts and raisins
Recipes with Puff Pastry

INGREDIENTS: (for 2 wreaths)
1 package Puff Pastry KANAKI 800g
200 g raisins
200 g walnuts
100 g Brown sugar
2 tsp. of sweet cinnamon
4 tsp. of melted butter soup
1 egg whipped
4 tsp. tablespoons of white crystalline sugar
Put the walnuts, raisins, black sugar and cinnamon in the mop and mix the mixture. Prepare buns as directed. Pour the buns with the egg and sprinkle them with the crystallized sugar. Bake the coils in a preheated oven at 180˚C for 40-45 minutes.
For making Wreaths:

1. Open one sheet on the worktop. Spread it with 2 tablespoons of butter and spread half the quantity of the mixture.

2. Roll starting from the long side. Continue in the same way as the second sheet and other materials.